Ben Harris



After 15 years of chasing success, influence, and fulfillment in full-time ministry as a worship pastor and creative director for a multisite megachurch, Ben ran into a wall of burnout with vocational ministry. Rather than trying to power through by sheer force of will or giving up altogether, Ben sought counseling from Tinman to further discover the parts of his story that were holding him back and keeping him in addiction. 

Through counseling and 12-step programs, Ben identified and addressed the parts of his past that were destroying his present and experienced the freedom of living an authentic life in community. Ben is driven to pass on what he’s found by helping others rediscover their own hearts through their unique stories.

In addition to his work with Tin Man, Ben works as a songwriter and producer.  Ben and his wife Kim live south of Nashville with their two children. Outside work, Ben loves flying planes, making pizza, and nerding out about all things space.

Make a connection with Ben

Contact Tin Man Ministries to begin your journey toward health and living from the heart.