Brian Mease



Brian came to Tin Man as a client bound up in shame and on the cusp of burnout.  Through TinMan’s guidance, he experienced a heart change so transformative he is eager to pay it forward to others.

Brian is passionate to help his clients rediscover joy and become more of the person God created them to be. He is great at creating a safe space where others can learn to process their story in a way that both heals and transforms. 

Brian is an ACC Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation and is currently completing a master’s degree in Neurotheology.  He also has over twenty years of ministry experience as a Youth Pastor, Discipleship Pastor, and Church Planter.

Brian is married to Jess and they have three children; Grace, Eden Mae, & Gabe.  He lives in Cincinnati, OH and enjoys long-distance running, music, National Parks, and really nerdy board games.

Make a connection with Brian

Contact Tin Man Ministries to begin your journey toward health and living from the heart.