Tena DeVaney



Several years ago, Tena experienced significant heartache in her marriage as well as poor health and low functionality. As a result, she is very familiar with the difficulty of life. Through the work of exploring her story, Tena came to realize she lived most of her life from a posture of self-sufficiency. Tin Man Ministries has played an integral part in helping her connect her heart and mind, as well as bringing healing to her marriage. 

Through coaching, Tena offers to be with women in their pain so they are not alone, and she finds joy in connecting to them through their stories. In addition, she and her husband (Todd, who’s a coach) offer healing to couples looking for help.

Tena has successfully completed The Allender Center Story Sage Courses. 

Tena loves puzzles, podcasts, cooking, and heart-warming movies, especially when experienced with family and friends. She and Todd live in South Carolina and are the parents of a teenager and two young adults. 

Contact Tin Man Ministries to begin your journey toward health and living from the heart.