Austin Rackley
In 2020, God gave Austin the greatest gift he did not know he needed: a chance to slow down and be still. During the pandemic, Austin began to feel his heart and realize how much pain and shame he had stuffed down and ignored. Through the help of a friend, Austin reached out to Tin Man for help in dealing with his addiction to performance, pornography, alcohol, and people-pleasing.
In his own recovery work, Austin has discovered that who he is, is more valuable than what he does. His passion is to see men heal from the pain of their own stories, and to let go of their false selves, addictions, and compulsions. Austin has seen firsthand how being honest with himself and with God leads to great change.
Austin holds a degree in Professional Counseling from Liberty University and has over six years of experience as a professional counselor and therapist. He has spent decades serving and leading in various capacities within the church. In addition to Tin Man, Austin works with mental health practitioners to understand the limitations and personalization of psychiatric medications.
When he is not coaching, Austin loves being with his wife Laura and his four children: Jude, Noah, Micah and Elle. He enjoys walking in nature, hiking mountains, dancing with his family to their current playlist, coaching his kids’ soccer teams, building LEGOS, being silly and imaginative with his kids, and playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers very loudly in his car.