If my life were a building, then I came to TinMan because I wanted help with a fire on the 8th floor of my life. After time with Robbyn and Todd I’m seeing that though the fire was and is dangerous, painful and hurtful, there were foundational problems that I had been avoiding attending to for decades. The building was in danger of collapsing not because of the fire at top, but because of what was going on underneath. The four days seems like 6 months worth of work and understanding on who I am and what I need and long for. It’s four days of diagnosis, surgery, and developing a rehabilitation plan at the same time. I came out with new glasses I didn’t realize I needed; suddenly noticing relational dynamics with my spouse, my kids, my friends, my staff, and God, that I didn’t know were there.

I came out tired, but longing to do the work that will allow me to become who I am. The TinMan intensive gave me a glimpse of living an unbusy, present life. It was four days of being present with myself, others, and God, paying attention to what I’m feeling, and having the courage to tell the truth about because I was brought into a safe place that allowed me to do so. I long to live that present in everyday life.

Todd and Robbyn are an incredibly complementary team. Together they are gentle and clear, caring and challenging, observant and curious. Their friendship and relationship gave me permission to give the trust needed to do the work we all did together.

- Pastor in Takoma, Washington


At the end of 2020, I was burned out and broken. I needed a breakthrough and healing. The Tinman Intensive was recommended and it was a gift! It's rare for a pastor to have a place to safely share the whole truth of what's going on inside them. That's exactly what I experienced at the intensive. The incredibly capable coaches led us through one eye opening exercise after another, guiding us to healing and health. The tools I walked away with are helping me become a better man, husband, father, and a healthier pastor. If you can get there...get there. You won't be disappointed.

- Pastor in Colorado


I only have one chance to live my life. So, I will do anything to live it to the fullest. I see Tin Man as one of my key partners in helping me awaken to my heart, my passion and my deepest longings. I recently participated in a TinMan Intensive that, while indeed “intensive” was so very life-giving. The Tin Man coaches are not only some of the most gifted and discerning leaders I know, what really stood out is how PRESENT and how PASSIONATE they were about helping all six of us in the Intensive. They had no agenda other then investing their whole selves in our care, healing and development. They came after me in the very best sense of the word. They saw me. They pursued me. And they were used by God to introduce me to new pathways for hope and healing.

- Pastor in Arkansas


The 4-day intensive with Tin Man was an emotional and spiritual watershed moment in my life. I know this sounds dramatic, but it was the most healing experience I've had in my life. As I write this, I can feel my heart beating in my chest full of gladness and hope. As a 43 year-old who has been in vocational ministry for 20 years, I feel as if I've never had the permission to feel and process the emotional side of who I am; until this week. At the Tin Man intensive, the dam broke. I could breathe again for the first time. It is clear to me the path I've been traveling over the past several months led me to this precipice. I'm so grateful.

I returned home, sat my family down, and cried with them for the first time. I apologized for driving them too hard and for not being more emotionally present with them. I am already experiencing a new found intimacy with my wife and 3 kids. My wife and I are now checking in with each other and connecting on a deeper emotional level at least twice/day (morning and night) and prioritizing sharing honestly and vulnerably. It's like we have an emotional framework, the tools, and a fresh start to articulate the true condition of our hearts. Thank you Tin Man Ministries. I am full of hope about the days ahead.

- Pastor of Vision & Leadership, North Carolina


The Tin Man Intensive was one of the most difficult, yet most healing experience in my life. Taking a deep dive into my life story and allowing others to see parts of my life that I had long ago locked away was akin to standing in front of a small crowd without a stitch of clothing on. I’m so grateful for how these men cared for me and gently but directly led me to the edge of the pool to take the plunge. Though I felt exposed, through this, I am beginning to see that these dark, difficult places of my past must be entered into and revisited in order for true healing to occur. Simply stamping the word “redeemed” on my experiences and trying to push it down and press on, had caused me to be a controlling, anxious, shame-bound, and (extremely) lonely man. Spiritually and emotionally bypassing my story left me feeling less than human. Through facing my past and having a safe place to begin this life-long journey of processing these things with others has, has given me tremendous hope that there is a “truer version of me” that I have yet to experience. Personally, I’m excited to get to know this version of me. I’m excited to live a life that goes back to these hard places in order to go forward in healthy way. I am more equipped to take a hard look at myself, the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly - and then with God’s help show up as a wounded healer in the community God has called me to shepherd. I’m looking forward to pressing in and doing more work, one day at a time. 

- Pastor in Nashville, TN


I wanted to personally thank you for making this Tin Man Intensive a possibility for me. Years of childhood and ministry trauma have taken a toll on me and in the midst of this pandemic, I found myself no longer able to stuff it or ignore it. I knew it was time for a change. When I heard about this opportunity with Tin Man, I knew I wanted to go but didn’t know how I was going to be able to swing it. When I was told about the possibility of a scholarship, I was elated. The Tin Man intensive gave me the opportunity to delve into my trauma and let Jesus into these areas of my story that had been boiling under the surface of my life for too long.

Many have asked me about my week. My most succinct answer has been that it was one of the hardest and most significant weeks of my life. For the first time in years I felt like I could let my guard down, feel, think, and begin to be myself. I began to feel free! It’s one thing to teach about freedom in Christ, it’s another thing to actually begin to experience it. Thank you for making this happen for me! I am forever grateful!

 - Pastor in Hermitage, TN


The Tin Man Intensive was one of the most transforming experiences I’ve ever had. With the direction and care of the Tin Man team, I was able to courageously and honestly revisit my story and face it truthfully. They gave language and expression to deep pain and trauma that I had dismissed or belittled. This enabled me to access and feel emotions I have needed to feel for many years. A pressure cooker of emotions was released in my heart and huge weights were lifted from my soul. I had no idea prior to our time together how much sadness and pain I was carrying and how much anger needed to be expressed. It truly was an intense experience! Yet, I felt a new sense of hope and rest and freedom at the end. I have more work ahead, but it felt like a year’s work of recovery was accomplished in a few days together. I am now passionate for every leader I know to get to get the same opportunity.

- Pastor in Seattle, WA