Sarah Vint



Sarah is passionate about coming alongside women on their personal journey toward emotional and spiritual health as they navigate life's complexities. Her goal is to help others tell the truth about their history, to understand more of who they are, and to step into more with God and others. 

Sarah graduated from Iowa State University, has been married to her husband Joel for 15 years and is a mother to 3 children. She knows the beauty and challenge of marriage, parenthood, relocating, and being a pastor's wife. Amidst difficult life circumstances and being faced with past pain, Sarah experienced firsthand the impact of being coached through Tin Man. This has inspired her to log over a thousand hours coaching women the past few years. 

When she's not coaching or raising her family, Sarah enjoys exercising, spending time with friends, and going to the beach near her home in Fort Myers, FL. She's eager to encourage, support, and foster your growth.

Contact Tin Man Ministries to begin your journey toward health and living from the heart.